GO Further
We can GO Further together through co-production
(Formerly known as GO Hildas)
What is GO Further?
​GO Further a co-produced Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) group based at the University of Birmingham.
Formerly known as GO Hildas, the group has recently been re-named ‘GO Further’ after consultations with our expanding memberships. GO signifies Gynaecological Oncology (the phrase means “issues related to women” and “the study of cancer”, respectively. Our members believe in co-production (with members treated as equals- see "Our Commitment to co-production and inclusivity), and that we can GO Further together through this approach. ​​
GO Further consists of volunteers who share Dame Hilda Lloyd’s ethos (see here) and are eager to make a real impact on women's cancers in the West Midlands and beyond.
Supported by the UCL Co-Production Collective, GO Further has established its Terms of Reference in December 2023 (last updated on 22 December 2024, v1.4).
We are actively looking for new GO Further members who have been affected by gynaecological cancers, regardless of their background and gender. The following are some of the reasons why you may be interested to join:
You have a personal experience with gynaecological cancers
You are known to have higher risks of gynaecological cancers
You have another cancer (for example, breast cancer) which could be linked to higher risks of gynaecological cancers
You are a carer, family member or friend of patients affected by gynaecological cancers
The group of volunteers will share their experiences with clinicians and researchers who are developing clinical improvement and research projects to advise them on the direction of their project to improve gynaecological cancer care.
What does GO Further do?
GO Further is a growing co-production group, co-led by Jaki Mills (patient representative), Sbba Siddique (patient representative) and Elaine Leung (clinician and researcher).
In addition to external involvement activities we support, GO Further hosts regular workshops every 3-4 months in hybrid format (i.e. both in-person and online option simultaneously).
Each meeting is approximately 3-4 hours, with:
Updates on GO Further and initiatives we have supported
Discussions related to initiatives we are co-developing
A skill development session for our patient and public partners
For further information- Click to join our mailing list!
We offer remuneration for the involvement time as tokens of appreciation (shopping vouchers) for our main workshops.
Due to funding constraints, we are unable to reimburse travel for in-person attendance. We will however try our best to facilitate virtual participation if cost is a barrier to participate.
The list below highlights some examples of activities that will give you a flavour of what to expect as one of GO Further members:
Discussing topical issues related to women's cancers
Advising on lay summaries
Assessing patient documents
Advising on recruitment and dissemination
Reviewing research proposals
What has the team done before?
Previous work led by the GO Further organisers (as part of a project called DEMO) led to the development of a multi-language multi-media information package on genetic testing after ovarian cancer diagnosis as one of the IMPROVE-UK Awards funded by Ovarian Cancer Action (see below highlights).
The DEMO project was the winner of the University of Birmingham College of Medical and Dental Sciences Patient and Public Involvement and Impact Award in 2023.
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Our commitment to co-production and inclusivity
Co-production in healthcare refers to the collaboration between healthcare providers, patients, families, and communities in the design, delivery, and evaluation of healthcare services. It involves recognising patients and families as equal partners in healthcare decision-making and that their experiences are key to improving the quality and outcomes of care.
We are especially keen to reach out to volunteers from underserved groups, such as individuals from minority ethnic backgrounds, to be a part of GO Further. We also actively seek out these groups via different community and faith groups.
Underserved groups, such as ethnic minorities and patients from deprived are often not as well represented in research as we would like. You can be part of changing this going forwards by working with us to ensure that our research and care for those affected by women's cancers better support different communities in Birmingham and society as a whole.
We are committed to diversity, equality and inclusivity, so please get in touch if accessibility is an issue, as we would like to reduce any barriers to your involvement to the best of our abilities. Whilst we may not have the resources to accommodate all needs, we will at least try listen to you and our best to involve you.
How do I become a member of GO Further?
To express your interest or find out more, please complete this form to join our mailing list.
Alternatively, scan the QR Code:
If you want to speak to a member of the team or need help joining, please email gofurther.ppie@gmail.com.

The initial development of GO Further (formerly GO Hildas) is funded by the Ovarian Cancer Action IMPROVE-UK award to the DEMO team.
Details about the IMPROVE-UK awards and DEMO can be found here.